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Dr. Babasaheb Baliram Jogdand

Assistant Professor

Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor at LEAD College of Management in Palakkad, Kerala. He holds a doctorate in Tourism Administration and has been awarded UGC-NET-JRF in the same subject. With a total of 10 years of teaching experience in Tourism and Management-related subjects across various universities and colleges, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his role. He completed his Master of Tourism Administration (M.T.A.) with distinction, achieving the First Rank in the University. Passionate about research in tourism management, CSR, and HRM-related topics, he is committed to advancing knowledge in these areas.

Ph.D. in Tourism Administration, UGC-NET-JRF, MTA

Tourism Administration

10 Years

Publication in journal (Count):

Conference/workshops/ FDP attended: